Daria Krivonos

World-Leading expert on Megatrends and the Future of Business. CEO of Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies.


Megatrends and Mega Uncertainties as part of Business



Daria “Dasha” Krivonos is the CEO of Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS). An economist by training but a curious soul by nature, Dasha believes that staying abreast of current developments and looking beyond the immediate planning horizon is equally essential for maneuvering an organization through uncertainties of the future. Having grown up behind the Iron Curtain has endowed Dasha with a natural geopolitical curiosity and a nuanced perspective of the interplay in international relations. Before joining CIFS, Dasha’s experience included working for the Chief Economist and heading up Enterprise Risk Management in Maersk. Dasha has worked broadly with the economics of global trade, energy markets, and strategic, operational, and project-oriented risk management. She has also supported Mærsk management in their participation at the World Economic Forum’s annual summit in Davos.

Dasha’s broad knowledge of both megatrends and societal development patterns, combined with professional experience demonstrates Dasha’s proficiency in applying research directly to concrete realities and the challenges that companies and organizations face.

Dasha has co-authored a number of reports on topics such as geopolitics, the future of global trade, transformation of trust and worked extensively with the topics of sustainability and climate change.


Next Presidents Summit

May 31 & June 1, Copenhagen