Mikkel Severin

World Leading Expert on Emotional Intelligence and Mind Control. Advises Top 1% on decoding people within Leadership and Negotiation to Achieve Excellence.​


People First: How Top 1% Achieve Excellence with Emotional Intelligence



Mikkel Severin is a world-leading mind control expert, global keynote speaker, and advisor. He advises top executives and companies on decoding people and emotional intelligence within leadership and negotiation and helps his clients achieve massive, rapid, and long-lasting results. He studies success and what sets the top 1% performing companies, schools, teams, and hospitals apart from the average, and what they are doing so differently. He helps his clients achieve results within weeks and months. 

He was selected as keynote speaker for Børsens Gazelle celebration as well as for the VL Summit. He teaches his Masterclass “EQ as a strategic priority” in collaboration with Børsen, and has taught at the Executive Board Education at Copenhagen Business School.

Currently, he’s performing at sold-out Theaters in Copenhagen and often appears in the media and in podcasts to share his expert knowledge. His client base is tier 1 from all industries. 

In his previous life, he worked as an M&A attorney at law at one of Denmark’s leading law firms. Further, he’s a hypnotist and holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Copenhagen University.

Read more at www.mikkelseverin.com

Next Presidents Summit

May 31 & June 1, Copenhagen