The Pitch hosted by CVX Ventures

Denmark’s Most Value-Adding Venture Investor.


This session is somewhat different from what we normally offer on our stages. Here, rather than having one main presenter, the stage will be swarming with start-ups, investors, and panelists. The format is as follows: 

  • Five start-ups will pitch their company, product, and vision
  • A panelist of investors will ask the challenging questions
  • A moderator will manage the stage and alternate between questions from the panel and the audience
  • Finally, a winner will be chosen by the audience among the five hopeful starts-ups

About CVX

CVX facilitates financing opportunities for the leading growth companies in Denmark. They do this alongside a network of more than 450 experienced business people who provide risk willing capital, knowledge, and access to business opportunities. 

Since 2018, they have helped more than 50 companies raise funding and find board members. Alongside their partners, they have invested more than 100 mio. EURO in the fastest growing companies. 

Their purpose is to strengthen high-growth companies and ensure common success by mutual value creation. Every year, they analyse more than 1,000 companies and help hundreds of gifted entrepreneurs developing their business and reach their potential. 


Next Presidents Summit

November 8-9th 2021, Copenhagen